Saarland and the bordering regions in France and Luxembourg are biker country. Our experienced tour guides have designed tours way beyond the national borders especially for you. Along the winding trails important tourist sites as well as selected restaurants designed for bikers are waiting for you. In order to be able to review the events of an exciting day in a cosy environment, we have devised a special arrangement for you.

You will find more about the topic and all tours on the websites of our partners in the tourism centre Saarland.



The centre for tourism Saarland is breaking new ground with the Expedition White spot trailer for an imagefilm about a German travel destination. The film chooses a story-telling point of view and narrates the expeditions of three great nations (England, France and Sweden) to an unknown region in Germany- representing the tradition of the great discoverers. The humorous and poetic script convinces and surprises, the imagery in the style of a motion picture is successful, the whole is garnished with a touch of self-irony.

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