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This film was made by FlyVideo from Dillingen/Saar.

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Niedmühle Siersburg von FlyVideo auf Vimeo.

We publish the video with the kind permission of the Tourismus Zentrale Saarland GmbH.

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Aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen benötigt YouTube Ihre Einwilligung um geladen zu werden. Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter Data Protection Declaration.

We take you to the 4-star Hotel Niedmühle. Our first prize in the short film competition »Begegnungen im Saarland« of the TZS and the BDFA Saarland, which we won with our short film »Au Revoir – Bis zum nächsten Mal«.

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With »Expedition weisser Fleck« (Expedition White Spot), the Saarland Tourist Board is taking a completely new approach to image films for a German travel destination. The film chooses a narrative perspective and depicts the expeditions of three great nations (England, France and Sweden) to an unknown region in Germany – representative of the tradition of world explorers. The humorous and poetic screenplay convinces and surprises, the visual language in the style of the classic feature film succeeds, spiced with a pinch of self-irony.

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